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Media planning

Media planning is the process of cost effectively delivering the right message to the right people, at the right time, in the right place, at the right price.

Use these eight steps, together with the Media Brief (in the column opposite) to develop your plan:

  1. Situation analysis

  2. Objectives

    • Review the communications objectives.

      • Do you have cognitive-oriented objectives (awareness, recall)?
      • Affective-oriented objectives (interest, brand positioning, brand development, brand management)? or
      • Conative-oriented objectives (purchase intentions, customer loyalty)?
    • Confirm the media objectives.

      Agree if/how your media objectives are constrained by the media budget and what the consequences might be.

      What impact must the media plan achieve amongst your target audience?

      How important is reach/coverage and frequency to the achievement of your objectives?  See Gross Rating Point.

  3. Target group analysis/research/insight and selection

    These are the individuals to whom the communications are directed and whom you must reach with your media plan. This audience may or may not be your existing target market.

  4. Strategic media planning/media selection

    This is the allocation of the media budget to the most appropriate classes of media and within them to the most cost effective individual media vehicles.

  5. Detail planning/scheduling.

    This is about determining the most appropriate times for advertising to take place across different media, selecting the sequence and timing of outbound communications (such as email or direct mail).

    • Consider the contact strategy.
    • Create a detailed plan (flow chart) for each media channel.

      When will the campaign start and finish?

    • Agree how each vehicle will be coded (for analysis/evaluation)
    • Find out about availability (e.g. dates of the publication or time slots).

      What are the key dates on the schedule, for example copy dates, key decision dates or options on late cancellation?

    • Discuss the position of the ad (e.g. within the magazine or during the commercial break).  Example key points.
  6. Media buying and deployment.

    This is about buying the media - obtaining the best deals in terms of getting the right audience of the right size for the right price.

    • What discounts are available/negotiable? Do existing agreements exist?
    • Check the booking procedure (order management, production plans).
    • Job handling (e.g. the supply of artwork, tapes).
    • Rescheduling/optimization.
  7. Evaluation/control.

    This is the vital need to measure, analyse and act on your results.

    • How will your media strategy be evaluated.
    • What is the CPM for each vehicle?
    • What tracking tools/analysis will be used?

See this academic guide to media planning.

A media plan - example

Five principles of your communications strategy


See also